Lymphatic Massage

What is lymphatic massage?
Lymphatic massage therapy focuses on developing technical movements aimed at accelerating the circulation of the lymphatic system. It is also known as lymphatic drainage, precisely because the goal is, with this acceleration of the lymphatic system, to help the client eliminate as many toxins as possible from the body.
Lymphatic massage or lymphatic drainage has a high impact on health but also offers aesthetic benefits. On the health side, the release of toxins from the body is achieved almost immediately, while this acceleration also helps eliminate tissues known as cellulite. Sports massages not only aim to eliminate muscle tension, but also support the preparation of target muscles for specific workouts.
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How does lymphatic massage work?
The development of lymphatic massage focuses on achieving gentle and rhythmic technical movements. These movements stimulate the flow of lymph, which is the substance the body uses to transport immune cells. Sports massages not only aim to eliminate muscle tension but also support the preparation of target muscles for specific workouts.
Benefits of lymphatic massage
Lymphatic massage in Miamiis one of the most in-demand treatments, especially due to its well-known benefits and the social importance of appearance in the city. Before choosing a lymphatic massage session in Miami, you should be aware of the main aesthetic and health benefits of this type of massage:
Reduces inflammation and edema: Lymphatic massage directly combats the accumulation of fluid in tissues. This massage drainage helps relieve swelling and edema. Lymphatic massage is therefore widely used in post-surgery recovery processes.
Improvement of circulation: Among the main benefits of lymphatic massage, it is recognized for improving the transport of oxygen and nutrients by the body's cells. Lymphatic massage not only accelerates the removal of toxins but also enhances circulation, substantially improving overall health.
Improvement of the immune system: The accelerated elimination caused by lymphatic massage allows the body's immune system to provide better responses. This is why there is a medical association between the immune system and the impact of lymphatic massage sessions.
Relief from pain: Lymphatic massage has a high impact on improving pain-related conditions in clients, especially those involving inflamed areas. Among the main benefits of lymphatic massage, the reduction of inflammation stands out, and during this process, affected tissues and joints are released.
Reduces stress: Most types of massages have a direct impact on improving the stress levels of people who undergo massage therapies. Although lymphatic massage or lymphatic drainage is highly recommended for people seeking specific goals, such as recovery after aesthetic surgical procedures, it is also true that lymphatic massage has a direct impact on stress reduction.
Postoperative recovery: Lymphatic massage is also recognized as post-operative massage or post-surgical massage in Miami. This is especially because lymphatic massage is highly recommended to accelerate the recovery of people undergoing aesthetic surgeries. For this reason, it is highly recommended to be performed in controlled environments, such as a medical spa.
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Is lymphatic massage the same as post-surgical massage?
Postoperative massages or surgical drainage massages are performed following the technical principles of lymphatic massage. The goal in this case is to promote circulation in affected and inflamed areas, with the improvement of circulation, relief and pressure in these areas are achieved, as well as accelerating circulation and improving the immune system of the body.
Procedure of lymphatic massage or post-operative massage
Lymphatic massage at our medical spa in Miami consists of 7 essential steps to achieve the post-operative massage or lymphatic massage goals.
Stage No. 1 of lymphatic massage: Approach
Lymphatic massage, like most types of massages, requires a relaxed and perfectly prepared environment. In the preparation stage of a lymphatic massage, it is key to ensure the client's tranquility and make them feel that the goals of lymphatic massage are fully understood, while identifying and examining areas of congestion or inflammation.
Stage No. 2 of lymphatic massage: Activation of lymph nodes
The lymph nodes are located in the neck area, which is why lymphatic massage or post-operative massage, regardless of the target area or with lymphatic congestion, should begin with the development of soft and rhythmic technical movements in the neck area, thus achieving the activation of the lymph nodes.
Stage No. 3 of lymphatic massage: Post-operative massage technique
The post-operative massage therapist at our medical spa in Miami will be able to perform gentle, circular movements, stretching the skin, always directing the movements toward the direction of the nearest lymph nodes. These movements activate or massage the tissues of the surfaces that function as channels for lymph circulation.
Stage No. 4 of lymphatic massage: Treatments in common retention areas
The post-surgical massage therapist at our medical spa in Miami will perform movements very similar to the previous ones, this time directing the movements toward the lymph nodes located in the axillary, inguinal, and abdominal areas. In this stage, the movements are also primarily focused on areas of special attention or congestion.
Stage No. 5 of lymphatic massage: Reincorporation into massages after surgeries
The movements will gradually lose intensity and will slowly move back to the starting point, lymph nodes located in the neck area. Using this starting point as a reference, through breathing exercises and very gradually, the client will be guided toward reintegration while the hydration process, so necessary after a lymphatic massage or post-operative drainage, begins.
Who may need a lymphatic massage?
Lymphatic massage is not only useful for people who have undergone a surgical procedure. Anyone with lymph edema, post-operative edema or not, individuals with any condition causing fluid retention can benefit from a lymphatic massage. In fact, lymphatic massage is highly recommended on a regular basis just to improve and maintain active circulation and the immune system.
How often should a post-operative massage be performed?
Lymphatic massage or post-operative massage should be performed according to the recommendations and prescription of the doctor. Often, the frequency is daily and gradually extends to weekly lymphatic massage sessions.
What surgeries require post-operative massages?
Post-operative massage is recommended for a wide range of types of surgeries. These include: Liposuction surgery, mastectomy, reconstructive surgery, orthopedic surgeries, and others that may result in swelling or fluid accumulation.
Where is it best to perform post-operative massages?
There have been several scandals in Miami regarding the development of post-operative massage practices in inadequate or uncontrolled places. Performing post-operative massages in uncertified places can pose a health risk to patients. Post-surgical massage or post-operative lymphatic massage should be done in a professional and controlled environment, such as a physical therapy clinic or a post-operative rehabilitation center, or in a medical spa, as is the case with ours.
How long does a lymphatic massage last?
Generally between 45 minutes to one hour per massage session. At our Medical Spa, we prefer the post-operative massage lasting 60 to 90 minutes, especially to avoid disrupting the lymphatic massage approach, as previously described, or the client's reintegration process, which is equally important and also outlined in the method of our Medical Spa, earlier on.
What risks does a post-operative massage have?
Post-operative massage, post-surgical massage or lymphatic massage must be performed by a certified professional massage therapist and in an environment properly prepared for it. The main risks of post-operative massage are related to unsanitary conditions of the environment or to the lack of knowledge by novice, non-professional massage therapists. The most common risks are damage to sensitive tissues or damage to very recent scars.